August 2015 Issue 282
1 Pushing boundaries: 25 years of ‘Desert Mob’: Christopher Raja
Irene Mpetyane Entata, Camel, 1995, hand-coiled and modelled terracotta with applied underglazes, 20 x 13cm, Araluen Art Collection, Alice Springs
2 Alice or Taos: Two sides of the same coin: Rex Butler and A. D. S. Donaldson
Photo courtesy and © Bob Newman
3 Beauty and the burial of difference: The Yirrkala drawings: Darren Jorgensen
Gumuk Gumana, Dhalwangu freshwater at Gängan, 1947, crayon on brown paper, 155 x 74cm; Berndt Museum, The University of Western Australia, Perth; © the estate of the artist
4 The Mulka Project: The whole picture: Wukun Wanambi with Henry Skerritt
Images courtesy and © The Mulka Project, Yirrkala
5 A tale of two cities: Chayni Henry
Chayni Henry, On Lebuh Pantai, 2015, watercolour on ivory board; image courtesy the artist
6 John R. Walker: The catching point: John Zubrzycki
John R. Walker; image courtesy the artist and Utopia Art Sydney
7 ‘Things I Once Knew’: Revealing Patrick Hall at TMAG: Jonathan Holmes
Patrick Hall, Tall stories from the art world, 1993, cabinet with doors and drawers; Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG), Hobart, presented by the Moët & Chandon Australian Art Foundation, through the Art Foundation of Tasmania, 1993; image courtesy the artist; photo: Simon Cuthbert
8 Jacobus Capone: Dark Learning: Jess Day
Jacobus Capone, Dark Learning, 7-channel HD video installation, PS Art Space, Fremantle, 2015; images courtesy the artist
9 Theatre of labour: The 56th Venice Biennale: Juliana Engberg
Bruce Nauman, Human nature / Life death / Knows Doesn’t Know, 1983, neon (background), with Adel Abdessemed,Nympheas, 2015, set of knives, dimensions variable (foreground); installation view, 56th Venice Biennale, 2015; image courtesy the Venice Biennale; photo: Alessandra Chemollo