Autumn 2021 Issue 327
Atelier van lieshout (AVL), Wellness skull, 2007, installation view, sudeley castle, winchcombe, united kingdom, 2010: fibreglass and wood, 450 x 250cm; courtesy avl; photo: rolant davis
2 ‘new ways of feeling, and ways of feeling new’: absurdity and sincerity in the work of the institute for new feeling: emma crott
the institute for new feeling, group, 2013, performance at via festival/newmoves contemporary dance festival, pittsburgh, 2013; courtesy the artists
3 ‘clean beauty’ branding: a bricolage of bodily and spiritual health, ancient wisdom and ethical virtue: juliana luna Mora and toni ross
screenshot of instagram post @herbivorebotanicals from 24 november 2019, accessed 18 january 2021; courtesy herbivore botanicals
4 corporate spirituality in timur si-qin’s 'new peace’: grant stevens
Timur si-qin: campaign for a new protocol, part 1, exhibition installation detail, societe berlin, 2018; courtesy the artist and societe berlin
5 decisions, decisions, decisions: amber boardman’s cartoon worlds: wes hill
amber boardman, paint shelves, 2020, oil on canvas, 152.4 x 254cm; courtesy the artist and chalk horse, sydney
6 wellness versus art: robert leonard
chiharu shiota, the web of time, 2020, installation view (with the artist), ‘toi art’, museum of new zealand te papa tongarewa, wellington; courtesy te papa; photo: jack fisher
7 anthony mannix’s mixed realities: anthony white
anthony mannix, cover image for i am cut viciously, apothecary archive, sydney, 2020; courtesy the artist
8 all men choose the path they walk: art and the scales of justice: fiona foley
fiona foley, stud gins, 2003, detail: textile, synthetic polymer paint on wool fabric, dimensions variable; national gallery of australia, canberra, gift of fiona foley, donated through the australian government’s cultural gifts program, 2011; courtesy the artist and andrew baker art dealer, brisbane
9 art education in crisis under covid: ann stephen
occupation campaign, sydney college of the arts, rozelle, c. 2016; courtesy honi soit
10 planting the seeds: ‘space yz’ at campbelltown arts centre: luke letourneau
space yz, exhibition installation view, campbelltown arts centre, 2021, with (clockwise from centre foreground): savanhdary vongpoothorn, legs on seeds, 1992/2020; kay andonopoulos, the everyday internalised, 2004; ben tankard, the tower, 2002; and mary donnelly, making the invisible visible series - senza titolo s.bw11, 2006, and waiting 1 Dec.06, 2006; courtesy the artists; photo: lucy parakhina
11 daniel thomas’s recent past: writing australian art: ann stephen
daniel thomas (right) and harald szeemann in the new storage area of the art gallery of new south wales (AGNSW), sydney, 1971; national art archive, agnsw, sydney; photo: brian adams