August 2010 Issue 232

1 Artful Dodger: The ‘Big Island’ in the Pacific: PAMELA ZEPLIN  2 Asia-Pacific or Asia-Specific?: TIMOTHY MORRELL  3 The Curator in a Sea of Islands: Giles Peterson’s Niu Pasifik: BILLIE LYTHBERG  4 Making Waves in the Torres Strait: SIMON WRIGHT  …

1 Artful Dodger: The ‘Big Island’ in the Pacific: PAMELA ZEPLIN

2 Asia-Pacific or Asia-Specific?: TIMOTHY MORRELL

3 The Curator in a Sea of Islands: Giles Peterson’s Niu Pasifik: BILLIE LYTHBERG

4 Making Waves in the Torres Strait: SIMON WRIGHT

5 ‘Living Art’ – a work in progress: SUSAN COCHRANE

6 Cook Islands Art NOW: JACQUI DURRANT

7 Wherever it is that we want to go: John Pule’s painting, 1990–2010: NICHOLAS THOMAS

8 Navigating ‘Austronesia’: Contemporary indigenous art from Taiwan and the Pacific: SOPHIE McINTYRE

9 Arts Dock 4th Melanesian Arts Festival, Nouméa: HENRI GAMA (translation by Regis Martin)

10 The Crux of the Matter: Manipulating Cultural Property in Aboriginal Rights Debates: JANE RAFFAN

11 Pacific Storms: beyond sunsets and leis: PRISCA CHANT

12 Just Like Home: Suburban Realities and the Art of Lisa Hilli: TORIKA BOLATAGICI

13 The Culture of Adornment: Materiality in the work of Chantal Fraser and Maryann Talia: Pau KELLEE UHR

14 Eric Bridgeman: BALA STARR

15 Sam Tupou: the tapa treatment: DAVID BROKER

16 Torika Bolatagici and the Big Picture: MAURICE O’RIORDAN

17 Krishna Nahow-Ryall: Blakbird: IMELDA MILLER

18 Putting the pieces together: Pacific Arts at the National Gallery of Australia: Maurice O'Riordan with Crispin Howarth

19 Pallingjang Saltwater: Genevieve O'Callaghan

20 Just an Ordinary Boy: Gary Lee’s On the Verge: JACQUI DURRANT

21 Mari Funaki 1950–2010: MARIAN HOSKING

22 Artnotes

23 Letter from Art Basel: GENEVIEVE O'CALLAGHAN

22 Opportunity Knocks + Stop Press